Title III Principal Investigator; Amitra A. Wall, Ph.D., C.A.S., Associate Provost & Professor of Sociology.
Reporting directly to the President, the Title III Project Coordinator will assume responsibility for the organization, implementation, and oversight of the project with full authority and autonomy to administer and manage project initiatives, expenditures, and personnel.
Retention Coordinator-Analyst, Sumaulata Ghosh
Reporting to the Activity Director, this is a full-time position serving in a key technology role to lead development of the Predictive Analytics Framework and the integration of information systems to automate early alert triggers. The Retention Coordinator-Analyst will serve to monitor and manage communications, referrals, and appointment scheduling through the Starfish RMS and generate timely reports to inform outreach and determine progress.
This position is essential to project success as it assists in establishing the foundational Predictive Analytics Framework to efficiently identify at-risk students and provide them with timely support and services. This position will be institutionalized and assigned to the Enterprise Data and Analytics team at the end of the fifth year.
Completion Coaches
Reporting to the Activity Director and aligned with the New Student and Family Programs Office, Completion Coaches provide individualized coaching to assigned peer-matched cohorts guiding students along their path to success and graduation. Buffalo State College will contract with Inside Track for training on individualized coaching strategies for overcoming challenges and obstacles to academic success. The Completion Coaches will assist students in preparing for the academic rigor of college through the Online Summer Engagement Program and to identify risk issues and on/off campus obstacles impeding progress and emotional well-being using predictive analytics and the RMS. Completion Coaches will monitor and follow-up on early-alert notices in collaboration with faculty, advisors and BEAT Team peer mentors. Coaches will guide students in developing and adhering to personalized Student Success Plans while guiding them to connect college experiences with future career goals.
Completion Coaches serve a key role as primary engagement specialists, integral to the overall project implementation process. These two positions, in addition to two institutionally funded positions, will be fully institutionalized in the Student Affairs Division by the end of year five.
Professional Advisors
Reporting to the Activity Director and aligned with the Academic Achievement Center, Professional Advisors work under the direction of the director, Academic Achievement Center to provide intrusive academic advising services from the point of admission through graduation. Professional Advisors will be responsible for responding to issued early alerts, interceding when students experience difficulty that interferes with progress. Professional Advisors will work collaboratively with Completion Coaches and BEAT Team peer mentors to manage follow up and case resolution while serving to ensure students are provided with robust academic and co-curricular experiences to support ongoing engagement and success.
Professional Advisors serve a key role as primary retention intervention specialists, integral to the overall project implementation process. These two positions, in addition to two college-funded positions, will be fully institutionalized in the Academic Achievement Center.
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